Vehicle | Precise engine size | Difference from world average | Engine size to consumption ratio | Horsepower from 1 L | Engine size to 100 kg of weight |
2.6 V6 E |
2.6 L (2598 cc) |
10.7% bigger | 100 cc to 1 mpg | 58 hp from 1 L | 200 cc to 100 kg |
2.8 V6 E |
2.77 L (2771 cc) |
18.1% bigger | 120 cc to 1 mpg | 63 hp from 1 L | 198 cc to 100 kg |
2.3 E |
2.31 L (2309 cc) |
1.6% smaller | 82 cc to 1 mpg | 58 hp from 1 L | 192 cc to 100 kg |
2.0 E |
1.98 L (1984 cc) |
15.4% smaller | 66 cc to 1 mpg | 58 hp from 1 L | 165 cc to 100 kg |
2.0 16V |
1.98 L (1984 cc) |
15.4% smaller | - | 69 hp from 1 L | 165 cc to 100 kg |
S2 2.2 |
2.23 L (2226 cc) |
5.1% smaller | 97 cc to 1 mpg | 103 hp from 1 L | 159 cc to 100 kg |
2.6 V6 E6 |
2.6 L (2598 cc) |
10.7% bigger | 113 cc to 1 mpg | 58 hp from 1 L | 186 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.6 V6 E |
Precise engine size | 2.6 L (2598 cc) |
Difference from world average | 10.7 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 100 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 58 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 200 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.8 V6 E |
Precise engine size | 2.77 L (2771 cc) |
Difference from world average | 18.1 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 120 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 63 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 198 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.3 E |
Precise engine size | 2.31 L (2309 cc) |
Difference from world average | 1.6 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 82 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 58 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 192 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.0 E |
Precise engine size | 1.98 L (1984 cc) |
Difference from world average | 15.4 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 66 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 58 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 165 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.0 16V |
Precise engine size | 1.98 L (1984 cc) |
Difference from world average | 15.4 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | - |
Horsepower from 1 L | 69 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 165 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | S2 2.2 |
Precise engine size | 2.23 L (2226 cc) |
Difference from world average | 5.1 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 97 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 103 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 159 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.6 V6 E6 |
Precise engine size | 2.6 L (2598 cc) |
Difference from world average | 10.7 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 113 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 58 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 186 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | Precise engine size | Difference from world average | Engine size to consumption ratio | Horsepower from 1 L | Engine size to 100 kg of weight |
2.0 E |
1.98 L (1984 cc) |
15.4% smaller | 73 cc to 1 mpg | 57 hp from 1 L | 180 cc to 100 kg |
2.3 E 20V |
2.31 L (2309 cc) |
1.6% smaller | - | 74 hp from 1 L | 178 cc to 100 kg |
1.8 |
1.78 L (1781 cc) |
24.1% smaller | - | 63 hp from 1 L | 178 cc to 100 kg |
2.0 |
1.98 L (1984 cc) |
15.4% smaller | 68 cc to 1 mpg | 58 hp from 1 L | 165 cc to 100 kg |
2.0 20V |
1.99 L (1994 cc) |
15% smaller | 95 cc to 1 mpg | 80 hp from 1 L | 142 cc to 100 kg |
S2 2.2 |
2.23 L (2226 cc) |
5.1% smaller | 97 cc to 1 mpg | 99 hp from 1 L | 159 cc to 100 kg |
2.3 |
2.31 L (2309 cc) |
1.6% smaller | - | 59 hp from 1 L | 192 cc to 100 kg |
2.3 E |
2.31 L (2309 cc) |
1.6% smaller | 86 cc to 1 mpg | 58 hp from 1 L | 178 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.0 E |
Precise engine size | 1.98 L (1984 cc) |
Difference from world average | 15.4 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 73 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 57 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 180 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.3 E 20V |
Precise engine size | 2.31 L (2309 cc) |
Difference from world average | 1.6 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | - |
Horsepower from 1 L | 74 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 178 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 1.8 |
Precise engine size | 1.78 L (1781 cc) |
Difference from world average | 24.1 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | - |
Horsepower from 1 L | 63 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 178 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.0 |
Precise engine size | 1.98 L (1984 cc) |
Difference from world average | 15.4 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 68 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 58 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 165 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.0 20V |
Precise engine size | 1.99 L (1994 cc) |
Difference from world average | 15 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 95 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 80 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 142 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | S2 2.2 |
Precise engine size | 2.23 L (2226 cc) |
Difference from world average | 5.1 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 97 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 99 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 159 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.3 |
Precise engine size | 2.31 L (2309 cc) |
Difference from world average | 1.6 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | - |
Horsepower from 1 L | 59 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 192 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.3 E |
Precise engine size | 2.31 L (2309 cc) |
Difference from world average | 1.6 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 86 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 58 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 178 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | Precise engine size | Difference from world average | Engine size to consumption ratio | Horsepower from 1 L | Engine size to 100 kg of weight |
GT 2.2i |
2.23 L (2226 cc) |
5.1% smaller | 89 cc to 1 mpg | 61 hp from 1 L | 202 cc to 100 kg |
2.0i |
1.99 L (1994 cc) |
15% smaller | 71 cc to 1 mpg | 58 hp from 1 L | 181 cc to 100 kg |
GT 1.8 |
1.78 L (1781 cc) |
24.1% smaller | - | 51 hp from 1 L | 178 cc to 100 kg |
2.2i |
2.23 L (2226 cc) |
5.1% smaller | - | 52 hp from 1 L | 202 cc to 100 kg |
GT 1.8i |
1.78 L (1781 cc) |
24.1% smaller | - | 63 hp from 1 L | 178 cc to 100 kg |
2.2 |
2.23 L (2226 cc) |
5.1% smaller | - | 61 hp from 1 L | 186 cc to 100 kg |
2.3 E |
2.31 L (2309 cc) |
1.6% smaller | - | 59 hp from 1 L | 210 cc to 100 kg |
2.3 |
2.31 L (2309 cc) |
1.6% smaller | - | 59 hp from 1 L | 192 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | GT 2.2i |
Precise engine size | 2.23 L (2226 cc) |
Difference from world average | 5.1 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 89 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 61 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 202 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.0i |
Precise engine size | 1.99 L (1994 cc) |
Difference from world average | 15 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 71 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 58 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 181 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | GT 1.8 |
Precise engine size | 1.78 L (1781 cc) |
Difference from world average | 24.1 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | - |
Horsepower from 1 L | 51 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 178 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.2i |
Precise engine size | 2.23 L (2226 cc) |
Difference from world average | 5.1 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | - |
Horsepower from 1 L | 52 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 202 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | GT 1.8i |
Precise engine size | 1.78 L (1781 cc) |
Difference from world average | 24.1 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | - |
Horsepower from 1 L | 63 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 178 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.2 |
Precise engine size | 2.23 L (2226 cc) |
Difference from world average | 5.1 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | - |
Horsepower from 1 L | 61 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 186 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.3 E |
Precise engine size | 2.31 L (2309 cc) |
Difference from world average | 1.6 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | - |
Horsepower from 1 L | 59 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 210 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.3 |
Precise engine size | 2.31 L (2309 cc) |
Difference from world average | 1.6 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | - |
Horsepower from 1 L | 59 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 192 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | Precise engine size | Difference from world average | Engine size to consumption ratio | Horsepower from 1 L | Engine size to 100 kg of weight |
GL 1.8 |
1.78 L (1781 cc) |
24.1% smaller | - | 42 hp from 1 L | 178 cc to 100 kg |
GT 5S 2.0 |
1.92 L (1921 cc) |
18.1% smaller | - | 60 hp from 1 L | 192 cc to 100 kg |
GL 1.6 |
1.59 L (1588 cc) |
32.3% smaller | - | 47 hp from 1 L | 159 cc to 100 kg |
GT 1.8 |
1.78 L (1781 cc) |
24.1% smaller | - | 51 hp from 1 L | 178 cc to 100 kg |
GT 5S 1.9 |
1.92 L (1921 cc) |
18.1% smaller | - | 60 hp from 1 L | 192 cc to 100 kg |
GT 5E 2.2 |
2.14 L (2144 cc) |
8.6% smaller | - | 61 hp from 1 L | 214 cc to 100 kg |
GT 2.2 |
2.23 L (2226 cc) |
5.1% smaller | - | 52 hp from 1 L | - |
Vehicle | GL 1.8 |
Precise engine size | 1.78 L (1781 cc) |
Difference from world average | 24.1 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | - |
Horsepower from 1 L | 42 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 178 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | GT 5S 2.0 |
Precise engine size | 1.92 L (1921 cc) |
Difference from world average | 18.1 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | - |
Horsepower from 1 L | 60 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 192 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | GL 1.6 |
Precise engine size | 1.59 L (1588 cc) |
Difference from world average | 32.3 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | - |
Horsepower from 1 L | 47 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 159 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | GT 1.8 |
Precise engine size | 1.78 L (1781 cc) |
Difference from world average | 24.1 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | - |
Horsepower from 1 L | 51 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 178 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | GT 5S 1.9 |
Precise engine size | 1.92 L (1921 cc) |
Difference from world average | 18.1 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | - |
Horsepower from 1 L | 60 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 192 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | GT 5E 2.2 |
Precise engine size | 2.14 L (2144 cc) |
Difference from world average | 8.6 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | - |
Horsepower from 1 L | 61 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 214 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | GT 2.2 |
Precise engine size | 2.23 L (2226 cc) |
Difference from world average | 5.1 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | - |
Horsepower from 1 L | 52 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | - |