Vehicle | Precise engine size | Difference from world average | Engine size to consumption ratio | Horsepower from 1 L | Engine size to 100 kg of weight |
3.0 TDI V6 |
2.97 L (2967 cc) |
26.5% bigger | 82 cc to 1 mpg | 117 hp from 1 L | 148 cc to 100 kg |
3.0 TFSI |
3 L (2995 cc) |
27.7% bigger | 107 cc to 1 mpg | 118 hp from 1 L | 158 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 3.0 TDI V6 |
Precise engine size | 2.97 L (2967 cc) |
Difference from world average | 26.5 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 82 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 117 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 148 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 3.0 TFSI |
Precise engine size | 3 L (2995 cc) |
Difference from world average | 27.7 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 107 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 118 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 158 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | Precise engine size | Difference from world average | Engine size to consumption ratio | Horsepower from 1 L | Engine size to 100 kg of weight |
3.0 TDI competition V6 |
2.97 L (2967 cc) |
26.5% bigger | 82 cc to 1 mpg | 110 hp from 1 L | 148 cc to 100 kg |
3.0 TDI plus V6 |
2.97 L (2967 cc) |
26.5% bigger | 82 cc to 1 mpg | 114 hp from 1 L | 148 cc to 100 kg |
3.0 TFSI V6 |
3 L (2995 cc) |
27.7% bigger | 107 cc to 1 mpg | 118 hp from 1 L | 150 cc to 100 kg |
3.0 TDI V6 |
2.97 L (2967 cc) |
26.5% bigger | 85 cc to 1 mpg | 105 hp from 1 L | 156 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 3.0 TDI competition V6 |
Precise engine size | 2.97 L (2967 cc) |
Difference from world average | 26.5 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 82 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 110 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 148 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 3.0 TDI plus V6 |
Precise engine size | 2.97 L (2967 cc) |
Difference from world average | 26.5 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 82 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 114 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 148 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 3.0 TFSI V6 |
Precise engine size | 3 L (2995 cc) |
Difference from world average | 27.7 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 107 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 118 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 150 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 3.0 TDI V6 |
Precise engine size | 2.97 L (2967 cc) |
Difference from world average | 26.5 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 85 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 105 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 156 cc to 100 kg |