Vehicle | Precise engine size | Difference from world average | Engine size to consumption ratio | Horsepower from 1 L | Engine size to 100 kg of weight |
2.19 L (2191 cc) |
6.6% smaller | 52 cc to 1 mpg | 84 hp from 1 L | 129 cc to 100 kg |
2.49 L (2488 cc) |
6.1% bigger | 69 cc to 1 mpg | 76 hp from 1 L | 156 cc to 100 kg |
2 L (1998 cc) |
14.8% smaller | 61 cc to 1 mpg | 83 hp from 1 L | 133 cc to 100 kg |
2.5 Turbo SKYACTIV-G |
2.49 L (2488 cc) |
6.1% bigger | 78 cc to 1 mpg | 92 hp from 1 L | 146 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.2 SKYACTIV-D |
Precise engine size | 2.19 L (2191 cc) |
Difference from world average | 6.6 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 52 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 84 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 129 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.5 SKYACTIV-G |
Precise engine size | 2.49 L (2488 cc) |
Difference from world average | 6.1 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 69 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 76 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 156 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.0 SKYACTIV-G |
Precise engine size | 2 L (1998 cc) |
Difference from world average | 14.8 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 61 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 83 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 133 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.5 Turbo SKYACTIV-G |
Precise engine size | 2.49 L (2488 cc) |
Difference from world average | 6.1 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 78 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 92 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 146 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | Precise engine size | Difference from world average | Engine size to consumption ratio | Horsepower from 1 L | Engine size to 100 kg of weight |
2.0i |
2 L (1998 cc) |
14.8% smaller | 56 cc to 1 mpg | 80 hp from 1 L | 143 cc to 100 kg |
2.5i |
2.49 L (2488 cc) |
6.1% bigger | 75 cc to 1 mpg | 77 hp from 1 L | 178 cc to 100 kg |
2.2d |
2.19 L (2191 cc) |
6.6% smaller | 49 cc to 1 mpg | 80 hp from 1 L | 146 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.0i |
Precise engine size | 2 L (1998 cc) |
Difference from world average | 14.8 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 56 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 80 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 143 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.5i |
Precise engine size | 2.49 L (2488 cc) |
Difference from world average | 6.1 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 75 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 77 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 178 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.2d |
Precise engine size | 2.19 L (2191 cc) |
Difference from world average | 6.6 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 49 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 80 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 146 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | Precise engine size | Difference from world average | Engine size to consumption ratio | Horsepower from 1 L | Engine size to 100 kg of weight |
2.0 |
2 L (1997 cc) |
14.9% smaller | 51 cc to 1 mpg | 83 hp from 1 L | 143 cc to 100 kg |
2.2 |
2.18 L (2184 cc) |
6.9% smaller | 51 cc to 1 mpg | 69 hp from 1 L | 146 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.0 |
Precise engine size | 2 L (1997 cc) |
Difference from world average | 14.9 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 51 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 83 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 143 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | 2.2 |
Precise engine size | 2.18 L (2184 cc) |
Difference from world average | 6.9 smaller |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 51 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 69 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 146 cc to 100 kg |