Vehicle | Precise engine size | Difference from world average | Engine size to consumption ratio | Horsepower from 1 L | Engine size to 100 kg of weight |
CL 500 V8 |
4.66 L (4663 cc) |
98.8% bigger | 194 cc to 1 mpg | 93 hp from 1 L | 222 cc to 100 kg |
AMG CL 65 V12 |
5.98 L (5980 cc) |
154.9% bigger | 374 cc to 1 mpg | 105 hp from 1 L | 272 cc to 100 kg |
CL 600 V12 |
5.51 L (5513 cc) |
135% bigger | 324 cc to 1 mpg | 94 hp from 1 L | 251 cc to 100 kg |
AMG CL 63 V8 |
5.46 L (5461 cc) |
132.8% bigger | 248 cc to 1 mpg | 100 hp from 1 L | 260 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | CL 500 V8 |
Precise engine size | 4.66 L (4663 cc) |
Difference from world average | 98.8 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 194 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 93 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 222 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | AMG CL 65 V12 |
Precise engine size | 5.98 L (5980 cc) |
Difference from world average | 154.9 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 374 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 105 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 272 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | CL 600 V12 |
Precise engine size | 5.51 L (5513 cc) |
Difference from world average | 135 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 324 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 94 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 251 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | AMG CL 63 V8 |
Precise engine size | 5.46 L (5461 cc) |
Difference from world average | 132.8 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 248 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 100 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 260 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | Precise engine size | Difference from world average | Engine size to consumption ratio | Horsepower from 1 L | Engine size to 100 kg of weight |
CL 500 V8 |
5.46 L (5461 cc) |
132.8% bigger | 287 cc to 1 mpg | 71 hp from 1 L | 273 cc to 100 kg |
CL 550 |
5.46 L (5461 cc) |
132.8% bigger | 287 cc to 1 mpg | 71 hp from 1 L | 273 cc to 100 kg |
CL 600 V12 |
5.51 L (5513 cc) |
135% bigger | 345 cc to 1 mpg | 94 hp from 1 L | 251 cc to 100 kg |
AMG CL 63 V8 |
6.21 L (6208 cc) |
164.6% bigger | 388 cc to 1 mpg | 85 hp from 1 L | 282 cc to 100 kg |
AMG CL 65 V12 |
5.98 L (5980 cc) |
154.9% bigger | 374 cc to 1 mpg | 102 hp from 1 L | 272 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | CL 500 V8 |
Precise engine size | 5.46 L (5461 cc) |
Difference from world average | 132.8 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 287 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 71 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 273 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | CL 550 |
Precise engine size | 5.46 L (5461 cc) |
Difference from world average | 132.8 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 287 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 71 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 273 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | CL 600 V12 |
Precise engine size | 5.51 L (5513 cc) |
Difference from world average | 135 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 345 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 94 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 251 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | AMG CL 63 V8 |
Precise engine size | 6.21 L (6208 cc) |
Difference from world average | 164.6 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 388 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 85 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 282 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | AMG CL 65 V12 |
Precise engine size | 5.98 L (5980 cc) |
Difference from world average | 154.9 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 374 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 102 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 272 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | Precise engine size | Difference from world average | Engine size to consumption ratio | Horsepower from 1 L | Engine size to 100 kg of weight |
AMG CL 55 V8 |
5.44 L (5439 cc) |
131.8% bigger | 302 cc to 1 mpg | 92 hp from 1 L | 286 cc to 100 kg |
AMG CL 65 V8 |
5.98 L (5980 cc) |
154.9% bigger | 374 cc to 1 mpg | 102 hp from 1 L | 272 cc to 100 kg |
CL 600 V12 |
5.51 L (5513 cc) |
135% bigger | 345 cc to 1 mpg | 91 hp from 1 L | 290 cc to 100 kg |
CL 500 V8 |
4.97 L (4966 cc) |
111.7% bigger | 261 cc to 1 mpg | 62 hp from 1 L | 276 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | AMG CL 55 V8 |
Precise engine size | 5.44 L (5439 cc) |
Difference from world average | 131.8 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 302 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 92 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 286 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | AMG CL 65 V8 |
Precise engine size | 5.98 L (5980 cc) |
Difference from world average | 154.9 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 374 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 102 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 272 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | CL 600 V12 |
Precise engine size | 5.51 L (5513 cc) |
Difference from world average | 135 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 345 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 91 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 290 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | CL 500 V8 |
Precise engine size | 4.97 L (4966 cc) |
Difference from world average | 111.7 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 261 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 62 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 276 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | Precise engine size | Difference from world average | Engine size to consumption ratio | Horsepower from 1 L | Engine size to 100 kg of weight |
CL 500 V8 |
4.97 L (4966 cc) |
111.7% bigger | 261 cc to 1 mpg | 62 hp from 1 L | 276 cc to 100 kg |
AMG CL 55 V8 |
5.44 L (5439 cc) |
131.8% bigger | 302 cc to 1 mpg | 66 hp from 1 L | 302 cc to 100 kg |
CL 600 V12 |
5.79 L (5786 cc) |
146.6% bigger | 321 cc to 1 mpg | 63 hp from 1 L | 305 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | CL 500 V8 |
Precise engine size | 4.97 L (4966 cc) |
Difference from world average | 111.7 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 261 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 62 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 276 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | AMG CL 55 V8 |
Precise engine size | 5.44 L (5439 cc) |
Difference from world average | 131.8 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 302 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 66 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 302 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | CL 600 V12 |
Precise engine size | 5.79 L (5786 cc) |
Difference from world average | 146.6 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 321 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 63 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 305 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | Precise engine size | Difference from world average | Engine size to consumption ratio | Horsepower from 1 L | Engine size to 100 kg of weight |
CL 420 V8 |
4.2 L (4196 cc) |
78.9% bigger | 262 cc to 1 mpg | 66 hp from 1 L | 200 cc to 100 kg |
CL 500 V8 |
4.97 L (4973 cc) |
112% bigger | 332 cc to 1 mpg | 64 hp from 1 L | 237 cc to 100 kg |
CL 600 V12 |
5.99 L (5987 cc) |
155.2% bigger | 428 cc to 1 mpg | 66 hp from 1 L | 272 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | CL 420 V8 |
Precise engine size | 4.2 L (4196 cc) |
Difference from world average | 78.9 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 262 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 66 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 200 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | CL 500 V8 |
Precise engine size | 4.97 L (4973 cc) |
Difference from world average | 112 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 332 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 64 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 237 cc to 100 kg |
Vehicle | CL 600 V12 |
Precise engine size | 5.99 L (5987 cc) |
Difference from world average | 155.2 bigger |
Engine size to consumption ratio | 428 cc to 1 mpg |
Horsepower from 1 L | 66 hp from 1 L |
Engine size to 100 kg of weight | 272 cc to 100 kg |